Working in Virtual Teams

Today’s diverse work force presents managers and staff with both challenges and opportunities.

To be able to capitalize on the strengths of different cultures, managers and staff must be able to understand and communicate effectively with colleagues born and raised in other countries. How do you ensure that the team communicates across time zones most effectively and efficiently?  How can you create a “virtual water cooler” so information and best practices impact all team members?  And how do you integrate cultural influences and differing perspectives?

Cultural incompatibility is a key factor in the breakdown of international teams. The company that can avoid this common pitfall stands to gain a major competitive advantage over its rivals.

Global Excellence Building International Teams programme offers participants specific strategies and skills for managers who have geographically dispersed teams.


Global Excellence’s Building International Teams programme will provide you with:

  • An understanding of the impact of culture on an international team
  • Best practice for managing meetings and negotiations
  • Key guidelines on how to define specific roles and allocate task to maximise cultural leverage
  • An understanding of effective communication techniques
  • Tips on how to build rapport and a sense of group purpose
  • Information on how to use communication strategies which work virtually
  • An understanding of cultural issues arising from regional and international differences
  • Tips on avoiding common pitfalls of remote teams

Contact us today for more information.